TỔNG HỢP đề thi thực – TOEIC WRITING QUESITON 8 mới nhất năm 2024

Trong bài này chúng ta sẽ cùng tổng hợp đề thi TOEIC WRITING QUESITON 8 câu hỏi và gợi ý trả lời theo từng loại để ôn tập nhé.

Các đề thi sẽ được tổng hợp từ phản hồi của các bạn đi thi. Từ đó mình sẽ có những bài giải gợi ý đi kèm để các bạn tập phát triển ý và bổ sung từ vựng theo dạng đề nhé. Vì là sưu tập review đề nên đôi khi sẽ có những đề chưa sát đề thi thực lắm, nhưng vẫn có giá trị tham khảo cao nha. Lưu ý, có thể 1 ngày có nhiều đề vì nhiều nơi tổ chức thi nhé:


Some people do not begin working on a task for work or school just before the deadline. What are the pros and cons of this?

Bài làm:

Working or studying under the approaching deadlines has become a norm for many people. Some may argue that this habit can lead to stress and cause mistakes in the work, while others believe that working near deadlines can increase motivation and focus. This essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of working near deadlines.
There are some benefits of working near deadlines. Firstly, it can motivate office workers or students to work harder to achieve their goals within a limited time. By doing this, people can have more clarity on their work and prioritize the most important tasks while avoiding wasting time on unnecessary activities that can distract them. For example, when I was at university, I needed to write a long essay at the end of my final year and present it in front of a panel. As I was busy with my part-time job and study, I almost forgot the essay until three days before the submission day, and I realized how much I was behind schedule. As a result, I spent three days doing research, writing, and practicing presenting in my room without engaging in other activities. Fortunately, I could deliver my presentation successfully and graduated with a high score.
On the other hand, only starting to work or studying under the pressure of deadlines may have many negative effects. One significant disadvantage of this habit is it can lead to mental stress. Having a short time to read, write, or accomplish a large amount of work might make people anxious and frustrated. They have to work around the clock to meet the deadlines regardless of their energy levels, which may cause several mistakes and low-quality results. If people have more time and a distant deadline, they can allocate time and resources effectively to finish the work. In the long-term, working under the pressure of deadlines can also become a bad habit which may affect overall job or study performance.
In conclusion, while working under the pressure of deadlines can sometimes lead to increased focus and efficiency, the potential negative consequences on mental health, the quality of work, and the development of detrimental habits outweigh these advantages. Establishing effective time management practices and adopting a more proactive approach to work is crucial for ensuring both productivity and well-being in the long term.


What extracurricular activities should schools choose for their students? . Performing a dance · Visiting a government building · Visiting a museum Give reasons and/or examples to support your opinion.

Bài làm

Choosing the right extracurricular activities for students is crucial for their holistic development, offering opportunities to explore interests, build skills, and engage with the world beyond the classroom. While a variety of activities can be beneficial, visiting a museum presents a compelling and enriching experience that schools should strongly consider.

Museums offer a unique learning environment that can stimulate students’ curiosity and ignite a passion for knowledge. By immersing themselves in historical artifacts, artistic masterpieces, or scientific exhibits, students can gain a deeper understanding of various subjects like history, art, science, and culture. The hands-on experiences, interactive displays, and educational materials foster a more engaging and memorable learning process compared to traditional classroom settings. For example, a visit to a natural history museum can bring the intricacies of prehistoric life to life, inspiring students to delve deeper into the subject and even pursue it further in their studies.

Furthermore, museums provide a platform for fostering cultural awareness and appreciation. By exposing students to diverse cultures, historical periods, and artistic expressions, they can develop a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of the world’s rich tapestry. This exposure can encourage empathy, tolerance, and cross-cultural understanding, preparing them to become responsible global citizens. For instance, visiting a museum dedicated to a particular culture can shed light on its traditions, beliefs, and achievements, broadening students’ horizons and fostering a sense of global interconnectedness.

From a practical standpoint, museums often offer affordable or even free admission for students, making them an accessible and cost-effective option for schools. Unlike activities like dance classes or sports programs, which require additional fees for instruction, uniforms, or equipment, museum visits can be easily integrated into the school curriculum without placing financial burdens on families. This ensures that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, can enjoy the benefits of these enriching experiences.

In conclusion, while various extracurricular activities can contribute to a well-rounded education, visiting museums stands out as a particularly valuable and enriching experience for students. Museums offer a unique learning environment, promote cultural understanding, and are financially accessible, making them a compelling choice for schools seeking to provide valuable opportunities for their students to grow intellectually, culturally, and personally.

Đề bài: Do you think setting goals is necessary for professional success?

Bài mẫu:

The importance of setting goals for professional success is a subject of much debate. While some people argue that goal setting can lead to unnecessary stress and pressure, I firmly believe that it plays a crucial role in achieving professional success. Setting goals provides a clear direction, promotes strategic thinking, and fosters a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Firstly, goals provide a clear roadmap for professional development. By establishing specific objectives, individuals cultivate a sense of direction and purpose. This clarity helps them prioritize tasks, allocate resources effectively, and avoid wasting time on activities that are not aligned with their overall goals. Moreover, having a structured framework allows for better strategic decision-making, as individuals can analyze potential pathways and make informed choices that contribute to their ultimate success.

Secondly, goal-setting facilitates accountability and progress tracking. When individuals set goals, they create measurable benchmarks against which they can track their progress. This allows them to monitor their development, identify areas where they need to improve, and celebrate their achievements along the way. The ability to track progress fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation, further fueling their drive towards their objectives.

Furthermore, setting professional goals can open doors to valuable connections and opportunities. By sharing their aspirations with their network, individuals can attract the attention of influential figures who may be able to provide guidance, mentorship, or even job opportunities. Networking is a powerful tool for professional growth, and having clear goals helps individuals connect with the right people who can support their journey.

In conclusion, setting goals is an indispensable element of professional success. By providing direction, accountability, and opportunities for networking, goals empower individuals to make informed decisions, track their progress, and build valuable connections that contribute to their overall success. Embracing goal-setting as a strategic tool can help professionals navigate their careers with clarity, purpose, and a greater likelihood of achieving their full potential.

Từ vựng cần biết trong TOEIC WRITING

lead to unnecessary stress and pressuredẫn đến căng thẳng và áp lực không cần thiết
plays a crucial role inđóng một vai trò quan trọng trong
fosters a sense of purpose and accomplishmentnuôi dưỡng ý thức về mục đích và thành tựu
cultivate a sense of direction and purposetrau dồi ý thức về phương hướng và mục đích
fueling their drive towards their objectivesthúc đẩy nỗ lực hướng tới mục tiêu của họ
establishing specific objectivesthiết lập các mục tiêu cụ thể
allocate resourcesphân bổ nguồn lực
make informed choicesđưa ra những lựa chọn sáng suốt
track their progresstheo dõi tiến trình của họ
monitor their developmenttheo dõi sự phát triển của họ
open doors to valuable connections and opportunitiesmở ra những cánh cửa kết nối và cơ hội có giá trị
build valuable connections that contribute to their overall successxây dựng các kết nối có giá trị góp phần vào thành công chung của họ

Đề 1 – What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading reviews before watching a movie?

Topic: reading reviews before watching a movie

Task: advantages & disadvantages

Dàn bài cho đề TOEIC WRITING Question 8:

ThesisReading a film review before seeing a movie can have both advantages and disadvantages.  
Advantagesgive you an idea about the movie
Find appropriate movie for kids
Avoid wasting money and time on bad movie
Disadvantagesencounter spoilers
reviews are subjective
deter you from watching a good movie

Bài mẫu:

With the technological advances, watching movies has become a popular pastime in our modern era. While many people prefer to read reviews of films to get a glimpse of the movie before investing money and time in it, others love the enjoyment of discovering movie plot twists themselves. In this essay, I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of reading a film review before seeing a movie.

There are several benefits of going through the reviews before enjoying the movies.

The most significant advantage of checking out movie reviews is that they give you an idea about the movie. This allows you to decide whether to watch the film or not. For instance, if you discover a movie you have not heard in the past, then movie reviews will give you an idea about how the movie goes. Therefore, you can figure out whether or not that movie is worth watching.

Besides that, it will give you an idea about the real story or genre of the movie. For instance, you thought that a particular movie was suitable for your children based on its trailer. After reading the reviews, you realize that it was a movie not suitable for children due to heavy violence despite being an animated movie. If you have not read the reviews, you might have made the mistake of bringing your children to the cinema.

Finally, spending money on a movie that is not worth watching is frustrating. For instance, you go to the local cinema to watch a newly released movie only to find it has a poor storyline. If you have read reviews about the movie before going to the cinema, then you might have saved not only your money but also your energy. Therefore, it is vital to read movie reviews before going to the cinema.

On the other hand, reading movie reviews from others prior to watching also has some drawbacks.

One of the biggest disadvantages of reading a film review is the risk of encountering spoilers. Reviews may reveal key plot points, twists, or surprises that can steal the enjoyment and surprises of moviegoers.

Furthermore, film reviews are subjective, and a critic’s opinion may not necessarily align with your tastes and preferences. Relying too heavily on reviews can prevent you from forming your own opinion about the movie.

Sometimes, reading a negative review may deter you from watching a movie that you might have enjoyed. This can lead to missed opportunities to discover new films and expand your cinematic horizons.

In conclusion, while reading film reviews can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions about which movies to watch, it’s important to approach reviews with a critical eye and be mindful of the potential drawbacks, such as spoilers and biased opinions. Ultimately, the decision to read a film review before attending a movie is a personal choice that depends on your preferences and viewing habits.

(490 words)

Từ vựng:

a popular pastimemột thú vui/sở thích phổ biến
get a glimpse ofcó được một cái nhìn thoáng qua về
discovering movie plot twists themselvesTự khám phá điểm ngoặt trong cốt truyện
The most significant advantageƯu điểm đáng kể nhất
figure outtìm ra
genre of the moviethể loại của phim
suitable forphù hợp với
heavy violencebạo lực nặng nề
an animated moviemột bộ phim hoạt hình
a poor storyline.một cốt truyện nghèo nàn.
saved not only your money but also your energytiết kiệm không chỉ tiền của bạn mà còn năng lượng của bạn
encountering spoilersgặp phải spoiler
reveal key plot points, twists, or surprisestiết lộ những điểm cốt truyện chính, những khúc mắc hoặc những điều bất ngờ
moviegoers.khán giả xem phim.
align with your own tastes and preferencesphù hợp với sở thích và sở thích của riêng bạn
expand your cinematic horizons.mở rộng tầm nhìn điện ảnh của bạn.
provide valuable insightscung cấp những hiểu biết có giá trị
make informed decisionsđưa ra quyết định sáng suốt

Đề 2 – Do you agree or disagree that a country’s government should give money to support arts institutions like museums or theaters?

Topic: give money to support arts institutions

Task: opinion (agree or disagree)

Dàn bài cho đề TOEIC WRITING Question 8:

Bài mẫu:

Some people argue that investing in art institutions is a waste of government money. However, it is necessary for the government to fund the art institutions like museums, and theaters because of their cultural, educational, and economic values.

One of the major reasons why the government should provide financial support for art institutions is that it helps children learn about art. By visiting the art museums or going to the theaters, students may have a chance to be exposed to a wide range of arts. As a result, children are more likely to be interested in arts and start educating themselves on national and global cultures, history, and geography. This can improve their overall scores in school as well as foster their creativity. In the future, they can apply their understanding of arts and aesthetic mindset in their study or work, which might be beneficial for their career later in life.

Another advantage of public investment in art institutions is that it can promote economic development. For example, whenever tourists visit big cities, many people opt for visiting well-known museums or theaters because this could be the quickest way for them to get a glimpse of the most notable events or history of this city in a short time. Some museums are so popular that they have become the reasons why tourists flock to these countries in the first place, such as Louvell of France which displays the Mona Lisa. If the government spends money to maintain and advertise the art institutions to attract tourists, this can probably bring enormous money to local areas through tourism.

Finally, it is vital for a country to preserve its national cultural heritages in the art institutions. By showcasing unique artifacts of a nation’s history, museums serve as custodians of cultural legacy, ensuring that future generations remain connected to their roots. In Vietnam, for instance, the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City successfully portrays the nation’s difficult past, fostering in visitors a sense of pride and national identity.

In conclusion, arts institutions play a significant role in educating children about arts, providing income for local people through tourism, and reminding future generations of the national roots. With all the mentioned benefits, it is justified for the government to allocate financial resources to operate these institutions.


Government funding/spending/expenditure: tiền chi tiêu của chính phủGovernment expenditure on health continues to increase.
National/state/federal/government budget :ngân sách nhà nước/chính phủ 
Tax revenue: thu nhập thuế  The government intend to use the significant increase in tax revenues to fund the improvements in infrastructure and healthcare facilities.  
Government subsidy: trợ cấp chính phủBig farms that receive large government subsidies would lose some of that money.
Government sponsorship: sự tài trợ của chính phủInternational students hoping to study full time may seek government sponsorship as it helps them to cover the high costs of higher education.  
Government priority: sự ưu tiên của chính phủ 
Allocate resources to = prioritize expenditure on = offer financial assistance/ support/aid  to: phân bổ nguồn lực tài chính/ ưu tiên/hỗ trợ về mặt tài chínhThe government should allocate more resources to famine relief and poverty alleviation which are all interconnected.  
Incentivise somebody to do something: khuyến khích ai đó làm việc gì đó  To combat further consequences of global warming, the government wants to incentivize people to switch to greener cars.  
have an incentive to.give/offer somebody an incentive toprovide somebody with an incentivemotivation for (doing) somethingCompanies have an incentive to maximize efficiency Fame was the main motivation for their efforts.
Bring immediate benefits: mang đến cái lợi ích trước mắt  Tax reductions will bring real and immediate benefits to low and middle-income families.
Bear/shoulder the responsibility/duty: gánh vác trách nhiệmto take responsibility for something: chịu trách nhiệm cho việc gì đó  Ví dụ: It is the government that shoulder the responsibilities for providing public goods at a level necessary to ensure a globally competitive economy and a well-functioning society  

Đề TOEIC WRITING 1: Should Schools Have Vending Machines?

Một đề thi khác nữa là:


Do you think students should be encouraged to take a gap year to work or travel, after graduating high school instead of starting university studies?

Bạn có nghĩ rằng cách tốt nhất sau khi tốt nghiệp cấp 3 là đi làm hoặc đi du lịch thay vì học đại học không

Giải đề

Đề TOEIC WRITING 1: Do you agree or disagree with the statement “School should have vending machines”

The presence of vending machines in schools is a topic of ongoing debate. While some argue that these machines are detrimental to students’ health, I believe they provide a valuable service to both students and schools.

Firstly, vending machines offer a convenient and accessible means for students to obtain refreshments and snacks during breaks and after school. Students often experience hunger pangs between classes or after long study sessions, and vending machines provide a quick and easy solution for them to replenish their energy levels. This is particularly beneficial for students who may not have time to visit the cafeteria, especially during busy periods like lunch hours. Furthermore, the availability of vending machines allows students to make their own food choices, which can promote self-reliance and decision-making skills.

Secondly, vending machines provide a supplementary source of income for schools. Given the rising costs associated with running educational institutions, schools often look for alternative ways to generate revenue. The proceeds from vending machines can be used to fund initiatives such as extracurricular activities, library upgrades, or educational resources. By installing vending machines, schools can potentially alleviate some of the financial burden they face, thereby contributing to a more robust and well-equipped learning environment.

Of course, concerns about the nutritional value of food and drinks sold in vending machines are valid. Critics argue that processed and prepackaged snacks can compromise students’ health. However, it is important to acknowledge that most schools today offer a variety of healthy options in their vending machines. Many institutions now prioritize the inclusion of nutritious snacks, fruits, and beverages to cater to students’ dietary needs. Additionally, school authorities can play a proactive role in regulating the types of food and drinks available in vending machines to ensure they meet certain nutritional standards.

In conclusion, although the nutritional value of vending machine offerings is a legitimate concern, the benefits they offer to both students and schools outweigh any potential drawbacks. The convenience, accessibility, and income-generating potential of vending machines make them a valuable addition to the school environment. By striking a balance between nutritional choices and convenience, schools can effectively leverage vending machines to enhance student well-being and educational resources.

Đề số 2: Do you think students should be encouraged to take a gap year to work or travel, after graduating high school instead of starting university studies?

Bài mẫu: 200/200

Whether students should take a gap year or not after graduating high school is the topic of ongoing debate. While some people think that it is a waste of time, I believe it is beneficial for children to discover themselves and have time to unwind after years of studying.
Firstly, spending some time outside the school system can help students have some time to relax. High school students often spend the majority of their time studying around the clock. Not only do they need to study at school, but also attend many extra classes or online courses at home because they are under pressure to pass the university exam with flying colors. As a result, at the end of the 12th grade, many students may be fed up with acquiring more knowledge at school. Therefore, giving students a break from study can offer students opportunities to distance themselves from academic subjects, and take advantage of this time to travel on long-distance trips or immerse themselves in nature. By doing that, they can recharge their energy and regain their happiness so that they can head back to the university with more willingness to study diligently.
Secondly, giving students a gap year can help them unlock their potential. Students can have more chances to participate in the activities they may not have time for during their school years such as taking up new hobbies, doing part-time or full-time jobs, and traveling. By exposing themselves to various experiences, students may develop their confidence, self-reliance, and decision-making skills. Furthermore, encountering difficulties or new people in life also helps students explore their strengths and weaknesses so that they can choose a suitable major at the university later. Therefore, having a gap year enables students to have a chance to enrich their life experience and discover themselves.
On the other hand, some argue against the decision to allow students to take a gap year. They think that high school students tend to be lazy and are more likely to lie in bed all day if they are given a long break. However, I believe young people are at the age of trying to discover the world and learn about themselves. With clear guidance and some encouragement from parents and teachers, students may be proactive in activities to sharpen their skills and broaden their horizons in one year rather than being idle at home all day.
In conclusion, although the concerns about the waste of giving students a gap year are legitimate, the relaxing and learning opportunities it may bring outweigh any potential drawbacks. However, I believe that taking a gap year should be a personal decision for each family and student.

Đề TOEIC WRITING: Some companies promote their products by posting advertisements on public transport vehicles. Do you think this way is efficient? Why or why not. Give reasons and example

Bài mẫu:

Promoting products by posting advertisements on public transport vehicles has become a common practice for many companies. While some people believe that it is not as effective as other modern methods, I think it still offers numerous benefits to the company by helping them reach more potential customers and raise their brand awareness.
Firstly, posting advertisements on public transport vehicles can increase the brand’s awareness. This is because being exposed to the products and company logos regularly, the commuters can become familiar with the company and develop their trust in the brand quality. For example, when I was in university, I used to see many Vinamilk advertisements posted on the bus. Over time, I started realizing their logos and products. As a result, I have become their loyal customer for ten years because of their eye-catching images on the bus ten years ago.
Secondly, running an advertising campaign by posting on public transport can be an effective way for companies to reach more potential customers. Considering the number of people commuting on the streets is tremendous, the chances for companies to attract more new customers are high. Besides, this can be an effective reminder to old customers to make more purchases from your company if you are promoting new products.
On the other hand, some people argue against this practice. They think that it is not beneficial in this modern age compared to online ads. However, nowadays when various companies attempt to target customers through online advertising, users are so tired of the banners, pop-up ads, and promotional emails that they tend to skip reading or looking at the ads. As a result, some traditional advertising methods like posting on transportation can become outstanding as they often appear when customers are commuting and trying to kill time.  
In conclusion, although the concerns about the effectiveness of public transport may be legitimate, it still has some benefits in this competitive market by targeting numerous commuters and reminding customers to buy products. Therefore, I believe companies can consider this tactic to increase their brand awareness and develop a holistic marketing plan.


Do you agree or disagree with this statement “Children should be encouraged to play a sport, even if it is not an organized team sport”.

Đề TOEIC WRITING 1: What is the best way to resolve a conflict with team member.

Một đề khác cùng ngày nữa:

Đề TOEIC WRITING 2: Who is more important for children to do well in school? Parents or teachers?

Q8: Giữa ba mẹ và giáo viên thì cái nào có trách nhiệm hơn với việc học tốt hay ko của trẻ em ở trường.


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