⛔GỢI Ý – GIẢI ĐỀ TOEIC SPEAKING SÁNG 13/7/2024: nóng hổi ai sắp thi ôn luyện nhé mọi người:

⚠️Q11: Do you prefer to work with colleagues that have creativity or common sense?

Bạn thích làm việc với đồng nghiệp sáng tạo hơn hay đồng nghiệp có ý thức

☢️(Common sense – Lẽ thường : là những ý thức, hành động và cách đối nhân xử thế sao cho hợp lý và an toàn)

giải đề toeic speaking writing 2024

🌟SAMPLE ANSWER (written by Ms. Tu):

👉 I prefer to work with people who have creativity rather than people who have common sense

👉Firstly, creative people tend to find solutions to problems quickly. In this fast-paced business world, solving problems quickly is important to stay competitive. Being part of a team with creative thinkers means that you are on the winning team. On top of that, working with creative teammates gives you chances to foster innovation and expand your horizons.

👉Secondly, common sense is crucial for making good decisions and behaving well at work, but it’s something everyone should have. On the other hand, creative people are not easy to find.

👉 Therefore, I believe that working with creative colleagues is better because they bring more benefits than those who only rely on common sense.

ĐỀ WRITING: Do you think setting goals is necessary for professional success?

Bài mẫu:

The importance of setting goals for professional success is a subject of much debate. While some people argue that goal setting can lead to unnecessary stress and pressure, I firmly believe that it plays a crucial role in achieving professional success. Setting goals provides a clear direction, promotes strategic thinking, and fosters a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Firstly, goals provide a clear roadmap for professional development. By establishing specific objectives, individuals cultivate a sense of direction and purpose. This clarity helps them prioritize tasks, allocate resources effectively, and avoid wasting time on activities that are not aligned with their overall goals. Moreover, having a structured framework allows for better strategic decision-making, as individuals can analyze potential pathways and make informed choices that contribute to their ultimate success.

Secondly, goal-setting facilitates accountability and progress tracking. When individuals set goals, they create measurable benchmarks against which they can track their progress. This allows them to monitor their development, identify areas where they need to improve, and celebrate their achievements along the way. The ability to track progress fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation, further fueling their drive towards their objectives.

Furthermore, setting professional goals can open doors to valuable connections and opportunities. By sharing their aspirations with their network, individuals can attract the attention of influential figures who may be able to provide guidance, mentorship, or even job opportunities. Networking is a powerful tool for professional growth, and having clear goals helps individuals connect with the right people who can support their journey.

In conclusion, setting goals is an indispensable element of professional success. By providing direction, accountability, and opportunities for networking, goals empower individuals to make informed decisions, track their progress, and build valuable connections that contribute to their overall success. Embracing goal-setting as a strategic tool can help professionals navigate their careers with clarity, purpose, and a greater likelihood of achieving their full potential.

Từ vựng cần biết trong TOEIC SPEAKING WRITING tháng 7

lead to unnecessary stress and pressuredẫn đến căng thẳng và áp lực không cần thiết
plays a crucial role inđóng một vai trò quan trọng trong
fosters a sense of purpose and accomplishmentnuôi dưỡng ý thức về mục đích và thành tựu
cultivate a sense of direction and purposetrau dồi ý thức về phương hướng và mục đích
fueling their drive towards their objectivesthúc đẩy nỗ lực hướng tới mục tiêu của họ
establishing specific objectivesthiết lập các mục tiêu cụ thể
allocate resourcesphân bổ nguồn lực
make informed choicesđưa ra những lựa chọn sáng suốt
track their progresstheo dõi tiến trình của họ
monitor their developmenttheo dõi sự phát triển của họ
open doors to valuable connections and opportunitiesmở ra những cánh cửa kết nối và cơ hội có giá trị
build valuable connections that contribute to their overall successxây dựng các kết nối có giá trị góp phần vào thành công chung của họ


Lịch Khai Giảng


#toeicspeaking #question11 #toeic4kynang

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